Work-at-home moms have the best of both worlds, right? We get to earn an income while staying home with our kids. But staying motivated while balancing work life and family life is no easy task.
Just like achieving work-life balance requires boundary setting and eliminating distractions, staying motivated as a work-at-home mom entails following a few simple guidelines as well.
These tips can help you to stay motivated, so you can get your work tasks completed, even when you’re not feeling inspired to work.
Here Are 5 Ways to Stay Motivated as a WAHM:
1. Know Your Why
This, my friends, is huge. In everything you do, you must remember your why.
- Why did you start working at home?
- What’s your purpose?
- What do you want to achieve?
Knowing your why is what will help you write that article when you don’t feel like it, send out emails when you’d rather browse social media, and finish your work for the day even when you’re tired.
I think that’s one reason vision boards are so popular. You can lay out what you want to accomplish or your ‘why’ in pictures and hang them on the wall so they’re available for a quick glance when you need some inspiration.
[clickToTweet tweet=”“When you know your why, you’ll know your way.” – Michael Hyatt ” quote=”“When you know your why, you’ll know your way.” – Michael Hyatt”]
2. Set Achievable Goals With Steps to Get There
Setting goals is a must when you work at home, but setting huge, random goals is not enough. Now I would never ever say that you shouldn’t dream big, but even big dreams have a small start. When you work at home, you need to set specific goals for yourself that you know you can handle. Setting a goal without a plan is basically just a dream.
You need to know how you’re going to reach that goal, and that means you need to have specific steps to get there. If you need tips on setting goals as a work-at-home mom, this post will help!
[clickToTweet tweet=”“A goal without a plan is just a dream.” – Dave Ramsey” quote=”“A goal without a plan is just a dream.” – Dave Ramsey “]
3. Take Care of You
I struggle with this myself as a work-at-home mom, but it’s so important. Don’t just grab whatever is handy for lunch, make sure you’re eating well and try to take lunch breaks when possible. Here are some quick and healthy ideas to get you started on the right track.
Get exercise throughout the day, in small increments if necessary. Step away from the desk, even if it’s just to walk around the house for 10 minutes. Hey, you can always throw in a load of laundry or load the dishwasher, right? The point is, take a break and get moving several times a day.
[clickToTweet tweet=”‘You can’t pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first!’ – Unknown ” quote=”‘You can’t pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first!’ – Unknown”]
4. Achieve at Least One Small Goal Every Day
Ever have days where you spin your wheels and then when evening comes you think, “What on earth did I get done today?” Me too! Making sure I have my goals set for the day ( I write them in my planner daily) means that I can not only see what I need to do, but I get to check off my tasks as I accomplish them. There’s such a good feeling about seeing things crossed off your list as you complete them, am I right?
[clickToTweet tweet=”“Take it from me, there’s nothing like a job well done.” ― Hunter S. Thompson” quote=”“Take it from me, there’s nothing like a job well done.” ― Hunter S. Thompson”]
You’ll likely have several goals projected every day, and you might not always get them all done. But you can achieve at least one. That brings us to the next tip!
5. Give Yourself Grace
You won’t always do everything right all the time; it just won’t happen. Nobody’s perfect. You will fall short at times. You will fail.
That’s why giving yourself grace is so important. Tomorrow is another day, and that means another chance to begin again. Failure isn’t permanent as long as you never give up.
[clickToTweet tweet=”“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.” – Henry Ford” quote=”“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again.” – Henry Ford”]
It’s not easy juggling family life with work, but we all do it in one way or another. When you work-at-home, you’re having to juggle in the moment because your work area is likely right there with your family. It’s impossible to be the perfect mom, perfect wife, perfect housekeeper, perfect cook, and perfect business owner all at the same time. It’s a constant flow of give and take. That’s why time management is so important as a work-at-home mom.
I hope you found these tips on ways to stay motivated as a work-at-home mom helpful. How do you stay motivated when you work from home? Leave us a comment below with your tips!
Courtney Stich
Love this post!! Exactly what I’m struggling with at the moment. Just wrote a piece in block scheduling as I’m working through ways of figuring out my day so it’s much more balanced as I start my writing/blog business!! So super helpful!
Took tips from WAHW and credited you as well because your advice is awesome.
Thanks much! HUGE fan!
Holly - The Work at Home Woman
Glad you enjoyed Kimi’s tips!
Block scheduling is was keeps me sane and on-track! Appreciate the shoutout in your article ?
Thanks for stopping by, Courtney!