Charlotte Chaze went from a $28k salary as an academic researcher to a $158k salary as a data analyst in less than four years.
As one of TikTok’s leading tech influencers, her entire TikTok is full of free information detailing how to get started as a data analyst. She’s also created a free data analytics course for anyone who needs minimal guidance to get started on their own.
Before I learned data analytics online, I had no idea where to start. I wasn’t sure I’d be capable, and I didn’t know if it would lead anywhere. All I knew was that I needed to leave my job doing academic research for something that would pay more with a better work/life balance and less stress. It took me longer to change careers than it should have because I didn’t know where to find the right resources. Now that I know exactly what it takes, I’m sharing it with anyone else who wants to do what I did!

Tell Us How You Became a Data Analyst.
I was working full-time as a research assistant and wasn’t happy with my salary or my lack of time off, and I was just burnt out. When I started looking on job boards to find other opportunities, data analytics popped up everywhere, and I noticed the pay was awesome ($75k average at entry level!). That was the motivation I needed to teach myself data analytics online. I used free resources to learn data analytics from scratch and then started interviewing. After just a few interviews, I landed my first data analyst job!
How Did You Get Involved in Teaching Others How to Break Into Data Analytics?
I’ve always been passionate about empowering others, but this career aspect of it started when I helped my best friend land her first tech job. She was working at a government contracting company and was super underpaid, but she didn’t feel like she could ask for more. I helped her feel like she deserves a great salary and that she’s capable of getting one. This helped me realize that the biggest blocker that people have in terms of getting a better career is that they don’t believe in themselves. That’s why I started posting motivational videos on TikTok, and that’s what eventually led me to create a free data analytics course.
What Do People Learn In Your Free Course?
In my free data analytics course, I give out all the information you need to learn data analytics from scratch and get your first job in the field without spending a cent. So, the free course starts with links to all the best free resources across the internet and my recommendations on the best order to work through them so you can learn data analytics on your own.
Then, I explain how to create a portfolio with real projects in it, and I include my resume template and LinkedIn tips to help you land a job faster. The idea is to help people make a complete transition from their current job into a real tech career completely for free.
What are Some of the Benefits of Being a Data Analyst?
My absolute favorite thing about data analytics is that it’s a job that can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, so many jobs are fully remote or hybrid.
According to Glassdoor, the entry-level salary is shockingly high at $76k and goes up from there, so you can hit six figures after only a year or two of experience.
According to the World Economic Forum, data analytics is also the #1 job with the most increasing demand in the entire world, so there are always lots of job openings, and that number will continue to go up.
I can’t think of a better career path, especially considering you don’t need a degree or previous experience to get your first job – you just need to learn the skills.
What Personalities What Good Data Analysts?
Data analytics is the kind of job anyone can do, so any personality type can be successful at it. If you want to use your personality type in choosing a job, I recommend choosing the company you want to do data analytics for based on your personality type. For example, let’s look at the four Myers-Briggs groups: Analysts, Explorers, Sentinels, and Diplomats. A true “Analyst” personality type may want to work at an analytics, consulting, or engineering company; an “Explorer” could look into startups; a “Sentinel” would excel at any large Fortune 500 company; and a “Diplomat” could consider non-profits or companies that focus on a cause.
That said, I don’t believe work is that deep. It’s just an exchange of your time for money, so let your personality type shine outside of work and just use work to get paid as much as possible. It’s business, it’s not personal.
How Much Can Data Analysts Earn?
According to, the average entry-level salary for data analysts is $76k, and as you gain experience, you can break six figures pretty easily. For example, after just one promotion to a Senior Data Analyst, the average salary hits $112k – and that’s just the base salary. Most data analysts also receive yearly bonuses, 401k matches, and stock options.

How Can Beginners Land Their First Job?
The key for beginners to land their first data analytics job is to have a portfolio. That’s why my free course includes instructions on how to do real data analytics projects and put them into a portfolio. Recruiters and hiring managers don’t mind if you have no previous paid experience if you can show that you’re able to do the job. That’s why a portfolio is so important at entry level; it proves that you know what you’re doing and are ready to be paid for your skills.
Is There Anything Else You Would Like Readers to Know About Becoming a Data Analyst?
The biggest secret to switching careers is to fake it until you make it. You can’t fake the skills – you’ll need to really learn those, and you can do that for free online. But you do need to fake your confidence in those skills! You won’t get hired if you aren’t confident in yourself; recruiters and hiring managers can feel that come across during interviews. You should be confidently stating that you can do this job and that you want this job. If you have a portfolio, you’re ready for the job. If you’re willing to ask questions and use Google to figure out anything you don’t already know, you’re ready for the job. With confidence, fake it until you make it!
Check out Charlotte’s free course to learn more about working from home as a data analyst.
This post was not only informative, it was inspiring. I firmly believe there are other women like me who have retired only to find they miss the feeling of contributing and adding value to a business. My husband is happily retired with no interest in staying connected to the workplace. I have been mulling ways to balance my own need to use my skill set with his desire to enjoy our well-earned retirement. I can see many possibilities in the information you provided in your article. Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed the interview, Sharon!
All the best, and keep me posted!
I love this interview! Its just what i needed! Im super excited to start charlotte course.
Glad you found it helpful, Leticia!
Keep me posted on your progress!